The Power of “AND”

The Power of AND

Do you know that you can have two different emotions at the same time? Yes, two different emotions can, and often do, occur at the same time. The Podcast “Light the Fight” talks about this in two different episodes: one is called “the and” and the other “the and 2.0”. I plan to listen to these episodes again and I encourage you to listen as well.

Have you ever felt sad AND relieved at the same time? What about happy and sad? Do you sometimes get angry with someone you love (anger and love)? How about being in (physcial or emotional) pain and still being grateful? What about excitement and being nervous? It can be confusing to feel two immensely different emotions. Sometimes we hold ourselves back because of one strong emotion; we allow doubt and fear to overrun our excitement.

Thanks to Facebook algorithms, my feed is full of positive, uplifting picture, memes, etc. of various aspects of life. I’ve been flooding my life with inspirational people and things; but something was still missing. About 6 months ago (or so) I finally figured out what I want to do with my life (sort of). Without a clear plan, I kept thinking that I want to share these positive, inspirational, motivational, uplifting messages with as many people who want to hear them.

Fast forward to a little over a month ago, I told my husband that I wanted to start a Facebook group (or page) to help spread these messages but I didn’t have a name for it. One Saturday I sat down at my computer and came up with a suitable name, “Positivity to Inspire and Motivate”. Although I knew it wasn’t exactly right, it was good enough. Fast forward, again, to a couple weeks ago, my husband helped me come up with the name we will be known by from now on: “Sharing Moments of Light”.

We talked about starting this blog and other ways to share my message; and guess what? I became super excited AND nervous.

There is a little voice inside that tells me “no one cares what you think” so I’ve always had a hard time sharing what I truly feel, in my own words. I was excited to share goodness and light with people. I was nervous to use my voice in this way because of that proverbial voice inside. Well, I’d like to think I’m overcoming this one. I’m now sharing my thoughts and feelings for anyone and everyone who wants and/or needs to hear it.

Listen to your conflicting emotions and don’t let the negative take over.

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